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Home > Medical Blog > We’re way, way ahead on EHRs

We’re way, way ahead on EHRs

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have been in the news a lot lately because they are a core part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act (ACA). When President Obama and Congress passed the ACA in 2010, the medical community was put on alert to get up to speed on technology.

It may surprise you that only 38% of physicians and 44% of hospitals have adopted EHRs. The push to implement electronic health records has been very successful considering the number of facilities and medical practices there are nationwide. But more needs to be done and the next 18 months will see EHR integration grow even faster as the ACA’s 2015 deadline nears.

Visionary adopted Electronic Health Records four years ago – a full year before the new health law was passed. EHRs were part of our push to use new technology to maximize space, green our office and offer our patients the most efficient medical record system possible.

  • Our doctors love them because of  patient history accuracy and ease of integration with their optometric software.
  • Our opticians love them because patient info is at their fingertips quickly for in person, email or phone communications.
  • Our patients love them because they simply review the print out and only fill in pertinent new info or changes.

Visionary will continue to search for new and best practices. We like the leading edge of medical technology. And we like being over-achievers for our patient family.

Read more in the articles below:

Washington Post | Health Day