The Ring of Light
April 8th, 2024 marks an important date in our nation’s history with respect to observable astronomical events. North America will be in clear view of a Totality - a type of solar eclipse that is more rare and visually spectacular to lunar or partial eclipses. Eclipses themselves are not uncommon. In fact, they happen roughly every 18 months. Most come and go with very little fanfare, but this event promises to be something different. Our last Totality happened 99 years ago, a time when science had some understanding but less technological acumen to learn and grow from the experience. 100 years on, we now have a pretty good understanding of our progenitor of life at the center of our solar system. The life-giving energy of the sun that not only helps to propel us through space , but fills us as beings made of the very chemicals that fuels itself.
What excites me is that you and I are fortunate enough to live at a time when we can view this phenomenon safely with proper viewing glasses. 99 years ago, this was obviously not possible, and it’s an advancement that benefits us all. For me, I am especially thrilled that my life, destiny, fate (whatever you want to call it) has seen to it that I bare witness to this rare event as an ECP (Eye Care Professional). I know that isn’t super exciting for other people, but for me it's pretty cool! Understanding how and why we see the way we do, and the fact that the core of my profession is the measurement of light to the eye, this event is extremely intriguing. We all have different motors to get us going. I’m just in the right profession for mine.
I can't help but wonder how many people were damaged by viewing a Totality and other eclipses with the naked eye, possibly thinking it was a curse or omen that took their sight. They may have suspected witchcraft or sorcery guilty of afflicting them with blindness. I wonder how these and other eclipses throughout history impacted the development of civilizations. Assuredly, countless cultures misconstrued the meaning of eclipses, but a Totality was surely the most feared and misunderstood with the sun’s corona visible in the sky as a ring of light. It must have seemed a sign of the apocalypse or the beginning of a new Age of Enlightenment. It is only now that humanity has some understanding of this cosmic phenomenon. For those without belief or knowledge of the fundamentals of science and nature, a Totality would undoubtedly still shake many to their core. Fortunately, most of us have come to understand the greater scope of this event, and look forward to some celebration and safe viewing.
I am not suggesting that there is NO correlation between these events and the metaphysical realm, but our knowledge of such things is limited at best, speculative or dismissed at worst. What we do know is that there are measurable effects on the physical world that cannot be denied, yet the spiritual and theoretical effects are still unknown. Many believe that these and other celestial events help to guide and shape the cosmos to an end that is still shielded from our understanding. Maybe the truth lies somewhere in between. The "Ring of Light" reminds us of the power and awesomeness of the universe; the very delicate dance that cradles the fate of our very existence within its emissions of coronal ejections and life-giving light.
Jamar Holloway
Director of Operations
Visionary Eye Care