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You Still (Really) Need A Flu Shot

There is a slight chill in the air, kids are back to school, and pumpkin spice is taking over the stores. Looks like flu season is coming.

Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus, and can be mild or severe. Flu season begins as early as October and can go until May.

While we are still in the middle of battling the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to keep our defenses up against the flu. National Government Services (NGS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are strongly recommending that everyone get their flu/pneumonia shots this fall and spring.

This recommendation is even stronger for Medicare patients and those with chronic illnesses, particularly during a public health emergency. Some Medicare patients may even be eligible for the pneumonia booster, and high-dose flu vaccines should be given to people 65 and older.

Make sure your defenses are up against the flu this year. We can’t leave anything to chance, and your health is the number one priority. Taking care of yourself and others is the act of a true visionary.